Saturday, 25 February 2012

Migration part two

The old site is now set up to redirect casual traffic to the new website. It is still accessable on request, so email us if there is something you need from it.

We are trying to make sure that everyone knows about the move, because there are surprising numbers of users still on the old widgets.

Announcements have gone out on Kindleboards, Smashwords and AbsoluteWrite. There was a small problem with AbsoluteWrite: the message was redirected to an old message that gave the address of the widgets which are being discontinued and didn't mention the site move. I've updated the older message as far as I can, and apologise for any confusion.

We are giving it one more week and then sending emails to sites we find using the old widgets. Four weeks after that, the old widgets will be turned off. Because of the functional changes made for the new engine, redirecting the widgets themselves is not possible - the data is not the same and errors would occur.

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